The Mission

Well, 2012 brought us enough tragedy and heartache for a lifetime (and sadly that's still an understatement). I wasn't terribly shocked when 12/21 came and went and we were all still here. But by the time New Years rolled around I was still hoping for some change. So, my New Years Resolution: To complete at least one random act of kindness every day for a year. And so, I present to you a beam of hope from my little corner of the internet. Here is a running list of 365 random acts of kindness for 2013. Some of these may be a little ambitious but most of them are things you could easily do every day. This blog is not for any sort of attention or recognition and any hate or nay saying will not be tolerated. My simple hope is that this blog inspires other people to look at the world around them and help make it a better place for all of us.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day Thirty One

Hey everyone. I know I haven't posted for a few days. I just needed some "me" time. But I've still been doing RAKs everyday! So fret not =]
Day 31 brings the first month of RAKs to a close. It has been an awesome first month. I've already met so many awesome people doing this project.
So now for RAK: Day 31.
Think of someone you don't particularly like or get along with. Take out a piece of paper and a pen and write a list of 5 the things you like about that person (maybe they are admirably confident, or maybe they have great hair).